Bio identical Hormone therapy - Harmonize Health

Bioidentical hormone therapy involves using hormones that are molecularly identical to those produced naturally in the human body to treat hormone deficiencies and imbalances. As we age, hormone levels tend to decline, leading to unpleasant symptoms that can negatively impact quality of life. Replacing these hormones through bioidentical therapy can provide immense benefits. At Harmonize Health, our experienced medical team specializes in safe, effective bioidentical hormone treatments tailored to each patient's unique needs. We offer cutting-edge therapies to help both men and women feel their best at any age.

What is

Bioidentical hormones are substances that have a chemical structure identical to hormones produced by the human body. They are often used to counteract age-related hormonal decline that can negatively affect physical and mental wellbeing.

The most common bioidentical hormones used in replacement therapy include:

While synthetically-derived versions of these hormones are sometimes used for treatment, bioidentical hormones are considered more natural as they replicate endogenous human hormones on a molecular level. Their structure makes them easier for the body to recognize and utilize effectively.

The goal of bioidentical hormone therapy is to restore optimal hormonal balance in the body, thereby alleviating bothersome symptoms of deficiency and boosting overall health and vitality.

Benefits of bioidentical hormones include relief of:

Custom-compounded bioidentical hormones can be formulated at precise dosages and ratios tailored to suit an individual's hormonal status and physiology. They are available in various delivery methods like pills, skin creams, gels, injectables, pellets, and vaginal suppositories.

"Expertise and personalization are the cornerstones of bioidentical hormone therapy at Harmonize Health."

Assessing Your Hormone Levels

In order to determine if you could benefit from bioidentical hormones, comprehensive lab testing is essential. Harmonize Health offers state-of-the-art assessment of all key hormones using advanced diagnostics.

Based on your test results and symptoms, our practitioners can identify any deficiencies or imbalances and decide on appropriate bioidentical therapy customized just for you. We retest hormone levels throughout treatment to ensure optimal levels are achieved and maintained long-term without complications.

Some key hormones we evaluate include:


Estrogens like estradiol, estrone, and estriol play crucial regulatory roles in women. Imbalances can cause issues like:

Symptoms of Low Estrogen Symptoms of High Estrogen
Hot flashes Weight gain
Vaginal dryness Fibrocystic breasts
Mood changes Heavy, irregular periods
Sleep disruption Fibroids
Fatigue Endometriosis
Memory loss Migraines
Bone loss Depression/anxiety

Click to expand more on estrogen deficiency signs

Additional symptoms that can indicate low estrogen levels in women include:

- Loss of collagen, leading to aged skin - Thinning hair and hair loss - Urinary incontinence/leaking - Irritability and emotional changes - Reduced breast fullness

Blood tests assessing estradiol, estrone, estriol, and the ratio between estrogens provide a complete picture of one's estrogen status. Based on results, bioidentical estriol, estradiol, or a combination can be used to replenish estrogen in a natural, safe way.


Progesterone works synergistically with estrogens to regulate the menstrual cycle. Imbalances can manifest as:

Symptoms of Low Progesterone Symptoms of High Progesterone
Infertility Drowsiness
Miscarriage risk Bloating
Spotting Mood swings
Heavy periods Acne
PMS Weight gain
Anxiety Irregular cycles

We offer comprehensive blood analysis of progesterone levels. Bioidentical progesterone in physiological ratios with estrogens may be recommended to alleviate deficiency.


While often viewed as the male sex hormone, testosterone plays a vital role in women as well, including:

Low testosterone presents with symptoms like:

Careful assessment of free and total testosterone levels can detect declines. Bioidentical testosterone therapy may be an option in appropriate candidates to improve these bothersome issues in a balanced, effective way.


DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is an androgen hormone and testosterone precursor which declines markedly with age. This fall corresponds with negative changes like:

We offer state-of-the-art blood testing to evaluate DHEA-Sulfate levels and identify any need for bioidentical DHEA to counteract deficiency.

Thyroid Hormones

Thyroid hormones triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) govern metabolism. Low levels lead to weight gain, fatigue, cold sensitivity, and more, while excess causes rapid heartbeat, anxiety, and unexplained weight loss.

Through comprehensive blood panels assessing TSH, free T3, free T4, thyroid antibodies, and more, we can detect thyroid dysfunction and customize appropriate bioidentical thyroid treatment to resolve it.

Accurately identifying and addressing hormone deficiencies and imbalances through precise bioidentical hormone therapy is essential to vitality as we age. Harmonize Health offers cutting-edge diagnostics and personalized solutions.

Restore your vitality with expert bioidentical hormone therapy.

Choosing the Best Delivery Method

Once your customized bioidentical hormone regimen has been developed targeting the right levels for you, the ideal mode of delivery must be selected for optimal results.

Harmonize Health provides all major administration options - you and your practitioner can decide what fits best based on your needs and preferences:

Oral administration

Bioidentical hormones like DHEA, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone can be taken orally in tablet or capsule form at home. This offers simplicity and convenience, but absorption can be variable.


Specially prepared bioidentical creams containing estrogens, testosterone, or progesterone can be massaged into skin over areas like the wrists or abdomen once or twice daily. Serving sizes must be measured properly using a marked measuring spoon to ensure proper dosing.


Specialized gels provide transdermal delivery of bioidentical testosterone, estrogens, and progesterone through skin surfaces including arms, shoulders, and legs. An effective, user-friendly choice, but transfer to partners/children can occur, so caution is needed.

Vaginal Administration

Custom vaginal inserts, suppositories, or creams allow site-specific estrogen delivery for treating genitourinary conditions responsive to these hormones. Convenience and good local absorption make this route useful for some.

Sublingual Drops

Sublingual products containing bioidentical estrogens, progesterone, or DHEA are dispensed under the tongue for rapid absorption into tiny blood vessels lining the mouth. They bypass first-pass metabolism for better bioavailability.


Intramuscular injections administered in buttocks, thighs, or upper arms are a common route for bioidentical testosterone, estradiol, and progesterone. Injected directly into fat or muscle, hormones are then stored in adipose tissue and released steadily into circulation. Shots may be weekly, biweekly, or monthly.


Bioidentical hormones can also be implanted under the skin in pellet form, lasting 3-6 months. A minor procedure is done to insert the pellets under local anesthesia. The pellets dissolve slowly, offering consistent long-term hormone delivery.

Lifestyle Recommendations for Enhancing Results

In addition to the right bioidentical hormones tailored for you, certain lifestyle measures can enhance treatment results. Our practitioners provide comprehensive guidance on nutrition, exercise, and other steps to take full advantage of therapy:


Following an anti-inflammatory diet high in produce, plant fats, and omega-3s while minimizing sugar, refined carbs, and processed ingredients can aid hormone balance and promote healthy aging. Optimize gut health and nutrient density too. Supplements are recommended where dietary gaps exist.

Managing Stress

Chronic stress and elevated cortisol negatively affect hormone pathways. Relaxation techniques like breathwork, meditation, yoga, massage therapy, and forest bathing can attenuate unhealthy stress responses, supporting hormonal optimization.

Restorative Sleep

Getting 7-9 hours of quality sleep nightly enables the body to replenish hormones, facilitating balance. Prioritize good sleep hygiene by limiting electronics use at night, establishing a bedtime routine, and making your bedroom cool, dark, and quiet.

Regular Exercise

Exercise boosts hormonal function while reducing inflammation, supporting sustainable weight/body composition, and mood enhancement too. Aim for a mix of strength training, high-intensity intervals, and lower-intensity cardio totaling about 150 minutes per week. Yoga offers similar perks.

Alcohol Moderation

Heavy alcohol intake stresses hormone pathways, reduces nutrient absorption, and disturbs sleep. Limiting drinks to 1-2 standard size portions daily while incorporating periodic alcohol-free days supports therapy.

When combined with a balanced nutritious diet, high-quality sleep, regular activity, and stress moderation, bioidentical HRT results are significantly enhanced. Lifestyle optimization and hormone restoration go hand in hand for sustaining wellness long-term.

Click to expand Jane's story

Jane first came to see me 5 years ago at age 52 complaining of having no energy, feeling constantly chilled even in summer, and noticing her hair thinning significantly. She had also gained about 10 pounds despite minimal changes in eating habits or exercise routines. Further, the intimacy had gone out of her 15-year marriage as she simply had no sex drive anymore and struggled with vaginal dryness, making intercourse painful at times.

Comprehensive lab testing revealed Jane had suboptimal levels of thyroid hormones as well as low estradiol and testosterone with a falling ratio of progesterone to estrogen. She began bioidentical estrogen and testosterone creams along with micronized progesterone and noted some improvement in her energy, warmth, and sexual function over the first few months.

However, she continued battling fatigue and still felt generally "unwell" without her usual zest for life. We re-tested and found persisting thyroid dysfunction was likely the culprit, so tailored desiccated thyroid hormone therapy was added to Jane's regimen. At a follow-up 4 months later, she had lost the extra 10 pounds, her hair thickness was restored, and she happily reported feeling "back to herself again" with vitality she hadn't experienced in years.

Today on her bioidentical hormone combo, Jane's symptoms remain fully resolved, and her quality of life has dramatically improved. She says it gave her "a whole new lease on life" and restored the happiness in both herself and her marriage.

*Story shared anonymously by a Harmonize Health patient with permission*

Click to expand correct dosage table

Hormone Normal range Deficient range Optimal replacement dose
Estradiol 25-75 pg/mL (premenopausal women) <25 pg/mL 0.5-2mg daily oral/cream; 0.01mg patch twice weekly
Progesterone 1-28 ng/mL mid-luteal phase <1 ng/mL 100-300mg oral/vaginal daily in cycling women; 100-200mg 12 days each month in postmenopausal
Testosterone - total 15-70 ng/dL (females) <15 ng/dL 1-2mg daily cream
Testosterone – free 0.5-3 pg/mL <0.5 pg/mL Target mid-upper normal range
DHEA-S 60-380 mcg/dL (age adjusted) Varies 25mg-50mg DHEA daily, titrate to midnormal range
T3 – free 2.5-3.2 pg/mL <2.5 pg/mL Titrate T3 dose to resolve low T3 symptoms/achieve upper half of normal range
T4 – free 0.7-1.5 ng/dL <0.7 ng/dL Titrate T4 dose to resolve hypothyroid symptoms/achieve mid-upper half of normal range

The Value of Harmonize Health

When it comes to expert bioidentical hormone therapy, Harmonize Health leads the way. Our clinic offers:

πŸ’Š State-of-the-art diagnostics identifying hormonal deficiencies

πŸ’Š Customized treatment plans using the newest bioidentical hormones

πŸ’Š Various delivery methods – creams, gels, pellets, and more

πŸ’Š Ongoing follow-up and dosage adjustments

πŸ’Š Lifestyle guidance to enhance hormone restoration

πŸ’Š A compassionate team optimizing wellbeing

Why Choose Bioidentical over Synthetic?

Bioidentical hormones are structurally identical replicas of endogenous human hormones, making them easier for the body to utilize effectively. Without any foreign components, receptors readily recognize and receive them.

Conversely, synthetic non-bioidentical hormones contain altered chemical structures that do not perfectly match natural human hormones. This can hamper ideal hormone receptor binding and biological action.

For treatment achieving the closest harmony with the body's innate physiology, bioidentical hormones prove optimal. Harmonize Health offers the full gamut of premium bioidentical hormone solutions for realizing better health, function, and quality of life.

Qualifications Matter

With the intricacies of hormone balancing, specialized expertise makes a considerable difference. Our clinic founder completed advanced residencies focused specifically on regenerative hormonal therapies with bioidenticals through the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine.

Her subspecialty training in precision-tuned bioidentical protocols helps ensure optimal treatment outcomes. Our entire staff is passionate about supporting patients' transformations to improved wellbeing via balanced hormones. We look forward to serving you!

Restore hormonal balance, revive health. Contact Harmonize Health today.


Bioidentical hormone therapy offers a safe, effective way to counteract the unpleasant symptoms and health impacts of age-related hormonal decline. By restoring optimal hormone balance with compounds molecularly identical to those naturally found in the body, bioidentical therapy can revitalize energy levels, libido, cognitive function, and overall vitality.

At Harmonize Health, we specialize in customized bioidentical hormone regimens tailored to each individual's unique needs. Our cutting-edge diagnostics, expertise in bioidentical delivery methods, and comprehensive lifestyle guidance aim to maximize treatment benefits for sustainable wellness as you age. If you're experiencing symptoms of hormonal imbalance or deficiency, we encourage you to schedule a consultation to explore how bioidentical hormone therapy could transform your health and quality of life.

References and Additional Resources

BlΓΌmel, J.E., Chedraui, P.A & BarΓ³n, G. (2020). Collaborative Group for Research of the Climacteric in Latin America (REDLINC) advisory panel's recommendations on menopause hormone therapy. Climacteric, DOI:10.1851367

NAMS (2022). The 2022 hormone therapy position statement of The North American Menopause Society. Menopause: The Journal of The North American Menopause Society, Vol. 29, No. 7, pp. 713-954.

Harman, S.M. (2004). Bioidentical hormone therapy: A pana

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