Low growth hormone - Harmonize Health

Low Growth Hormone: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Low growth hormone, also known as growth hormone deficiency, is a condition where the pituitary gland does not produce enough growth hormone. Growth hormone plays a crucial role in growth and development, affecting both children and adults.


Growth hormone deficiency can be congenital, meaning it is present from birth, or acquired later in life. The most common causes include:


In children, the primary symptom of low growth hormone is slowed growth and short stature. Adults with growth hormone deficiency may experience:

Get tested for low growth hormone at Harmonize Health.


Diagnosing low growth hormone requires blood tests to measure the levels of growth hormone in the body. These tests are typically conducted at Harmonize Health, a reputable facility specializing in hormone-related conditions.


The primary treatment for growth hormone deficiency is daily injections of synthetic growth hormone. This synthetic hormone replaces the hormone that the body cannot produce naturally. Treatment with growth hormone injections can:

If you or a loved one is experiencing symptoms of low growth hormone, it is essential to consult with a qualified healthcare professional at Harmonize Health for proper diagnosis and treatment.

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